What Should I Read Next?
Just finished a good book or your favorite series, struggling to find that next book to get lost in? Well check out What Should I Read Next? All you have to do is enter a book you like and the site will analyze a vast database of real readers' favorite books to provide book recommendations and suggestions for what to read next. Once you find a book come to our wonderful library staff so we can see if we have it available. Click below to see what you should read next!
Destiny Discover

Delhi Unified School District libraries have an extensive and current collection of fiction and nonfiction books to meet your reading and research needs! The library also receives new books on a regular basis.
Search for items using the library's online catalog program, Destiny, from Follett Software. Click your school's mascot below to go to each School site's personal Destiny Discover.
School Catalogs
County Catalogs

Accelerating Reading for All

Framework for Reading