Report Bullying using STOPit via our website or the app.

You may also complete paper form and return it to any school site office or district office.

Dear Delhi USD Students, Parents and Staff,

Delhi Unified School District has been intently listening to our staff, students and parents regarding ways that we can work together to address and prevent bullying, cyber abuse, and other inappropriate behaviors.  In response to your input, we are pleased to announce that our school district is enrolled with STOPit, by STOPit Solution.

STOPit is an online reporting tool that can be used on any computer, tablet or cell phone designed to report incidents of bullying, cyber abuse, threats, possible self harm and other inappropriate behaviors.

By using STOPit students have the power to help put an end to harmful and inappropriate behavior they see online through social media and other means. They can use STOPit to ANONYMOUSLY  reach out for help if they or a peer are facing a personal crisis or experiencing bullying, abuse, or are otherwise in need of assistance. Our goal with STOPit is to create safer, kinder, school communities both online and off.

In addition to helping the district monitor and prevent inappropriate behaviors, students will have access to the STOPit mobile app, which has two simple but powerful features.

Specifically, the program educates students to: 

  • Recognize the signs of at-risk behaviors 

  • Take every sign and signal seriously

  • Report it anonymously through STOPit App/Web or 24/7 Incident Response Center 

  • Submit photo or video evidence (App/Web Only)

  • Alert designated administrators to issues and risks early, before they escalate 

No personal information is needed to use STOPit. The only way personally identifiable information will be accessible through STOPit is if a requester voluntarily includes it within the content of a request or message.

Both the Delhi Unified School District and STOPit are committed to protecting the privacy of student data. STOPit is a signatory to the Student Privacy Pledge, spearheaded by the Future of Privacy Forum and the Software & Information Industry Association. You may review STOPit’s Privacy Policy for details, including more information on how anonymous reporting works.

Please note that Delhi USD  will be promoting STOPit at all school sites at the start of the school year. At that time, your child will be invited to download the STOPit app from the app store on his or her smartphone or tablet at no charge. Our district has also added STOPit as a bookmark on your child’s district chromebook to make it easily accessible to report an incident at anytime.

We encourage you to download the STOPit app and search for your students school using the directory. Simply begin to type Delhi.  You can privately ask for help for your student, family, others you care about, or even acquaintances who appear to need help. For a video on how to use STOPit, go to: Student Training Video (grades 2-6)  Student Training Video (grades 7-12)  Parent  Informational Video and Staff Video

Together, we can make sure everyone in our community gets what they need to thrive.

Thank you!

Director of Student Services

What is Bullying?

Bullying is an unwanted, aggressive behavior that involves an imbalance of real or perceived power between individuals with the intent to cause harm. Students who are the targets of bullying behavior and those who exhibit bullying behavior toward others may suffer serious, lasting consequences. In order to be considered bullying, the behavior must include:

A Deliberate Act: To cause emotional or physical harm to another individual.

An Imbalance of Power:Those who bully use their power—such as physical strength, access to embarrassing information, or popularity—to control or harm others. Power imbalances can change over time and vary in different situations, even if they involve the same people.

Repetition: Bullying behaviors that display more than one time or have the potential to happen more than once.

Types of Bullying

Verbal, Social/Psychological/Relational, and Physical are three types of bullying outlined by the federal government and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Cyberbullying can involve all three types of bullying and takes place using electronic technology. Electronic technology includes devices and equipment such as cell phones, computers, and tablets, as well as communication tools including social media sites, text messages, chat, and websites. This type of bullying is becoming more prevalent every day. Examples include:

Demeaning or hateful text messages or emails

Rumors sent by email or posted on social networking sites

Embarrassing pictures, videos, website, or fake profiles posted online

Why is Cyberbullying different than other types of bullying?

Students who are being cyberbullied are often bullied in person as well. Additionally, students who are cyberbullied have a more difficult time escaping the negative behavior.

Cyberbullying can occur 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and reach a student when he or she is alone and/or when in their own home.

Cyberbullying messages and images can be posted anonymously and distributed quickly to a very wide audience. It can be difficult and sometimes impossible to trace the source.

Deleting inappropriate or harassing messages, texts, and pictures are extremely difficult after they have been posted or sent.

What exactly is Cyberbullying?

Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place via electronic communications or digital devices such as cell phones, tablets, or computers. It is deliberate harassing, intimidating, shaming, or otherwise targeting another person via electronic devices. Cyberbullying is a serious act that has lasting consequences.

Cyberbullying commonly occurs on social media like text messaging through devices; instant messaging through devices; email provider services; social media message features; diary sites; interactive games; online profiles; Apps; and more. With easy access and the prevalence of such media and digital forums, personal content can be viewed by strangers as well as acquaintances. Racism, intolerance, and fear can also play a role.

Cyberbullying has special aspects. It can be persistent, permanent, and/or hard to notice. When it is persistent, it can be difficult for students who experience it to find relief. When cyberbullying is posted online, it becomes publicly available and may lead to a negative online reputation impacting college admissions, employment, and other areas of life. Cyberbullying is harder to recognize since educators and parents may not overhear or see it taking place. Similar to acts of bullying, students may be reluctant to report cyberbullying due to humiliation or embarrassment.

Is Cyberbullying a Crime?

Some types of online or electronic conduct are crimes. The underlying challenge to determining criminal acts is that cyberbullying can take many forms and can violate a number of disparate criminal statues dependent on the underlying content. As examples, but not an exhaustive list, statutory violations can include:

Identity Theft, Penal Code section 530.5; here the harasser assumes the identity of the victims and creates a social media page or communication that appears to come from the victim. This is also a violation of Penal Code section 529, false personation.

Unlawful recording, Penal Code section 632; here the harasser records the victim without their knowledge and posts the conversation.

Cyber exploitation generally. See A list of crimes can be found at

Unfortunately, cyberbullying is not limited to a specified form of conduct. Its only limit is that of the human imagination to cause harm and perpetrators are consistently adopting new technology and innovative techniques to accomplish their goals.

Social Media Bullying

According to cyberbullying statistics show most cases are taking place on popular social media sites. Social Media Bullying can take many forms, such as sending mean messages to people or threats to a person's life, aggressive or rude texts, tweets, posts, or messages. It can also be stealing a person's account information to publicize private information by spreading it on social media websites.

Reporting Bullying

If you think a child is being bullied

  1. Report the bullying to any school employee either verbally or through the STOP!T App.

  2. Complaints of bullying will be investigated and resolved in accordance with the district's uniform complaint procedures specified in AR 5131.2

  3. When a student is reported to be engaging in bullying off-campus, we will investigate and document the activity and identify specific facts or circumstances that explain the impact or potential impact on school activity, school attendance, or the targeted student's educational performance.

  4. When the circumstances involve cyberbullying, individuals are encouraged to save and print any electronic or digital messages that they feel constitutes cyber-bullying and to report it to a teacher, school administrator so that the matter can be investigated.